Combining Ancient Wisdom with Modern Research

Here, we are passionate about combining ancient wisdom with modern research to provide immense healing.

mural in Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca, México

Azalea, the voice behind Vibrational Healing has studied in an apprenticeship under an Indigenous Mazatec lineage in Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca, México. Huautla is the birthplace of Sacred Psilocybin Mushroom Ceremonies. This is the town Maria Sabina is from. Maria Sabina was the first Mazatec mushroom healer to share the medicine of psilocybin 🍄 with the Western world. In 1955, she led a New York banker into a traditional mushroom ceremony which kickstarted the psychedelic era of the 1960s.

In this lineage, the maestra who taught Azalea was an apprentice and daughter of Abuelita Julieta. Abuelita Julieta, while she was alive, was a proud member of The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, protecting sacred lands and medicines around the globe! With the help of Maestro Debursio of Agua de Niño and Chójn Ndafè from Chikón Nindoó, Azalea has received permission to work with and to share the medicine of the mushrooms in the land of the United States of America.

She is grateful to have this space and opportunity to share. As an expression of gratitude, here is a clip of Azalea singing a mushroom medicine song.

Click here to listen to Mazatec medicine songs from the lineage Azalea trained under.


Medicine Leader

With ancestral roots in the Americas, the Bahamas, and Mexico, Azalea considers herself una niña de Madre Tierra (a child of Mother Earth). She started Vibrational Healing with the objective of offering paths toward immense healing to others. She suffered from Severe Treatment Resistant Depression, Anxiety, Anorexia, and PTSD since she was a young child which prevented her from enjoying her life. She was convinced there was no way out of this mind state until she found plant medicine.

Azalea has extensively researched the scientific benefits of holistic wellness. When she is not actively researching, she is spending time with Indigenous Peoples around the globe who have been using plants to heal for centuries. Particularly, she shares the wisdom of her Mexican roots in the Indigenous Mazatec lineage. She is offering the knowledge she has found through Vibrational Healing.

In addition to real life experience and ancestral teachings, Azalea works as an unlicensed therapist. This simply means that she is in the process of getting her license, but can not officially identify as a licensed therapist or take insurance yet.

Azalea specializes in integrating Indigenous teachings into Western healing models. She also has experience and training working with Psychedelics to Treat Substance Use Issues.

Azalea found ways to take charge of her journey and heal herself through therapy, plant medicine, yoga, meditation, and holistic wellness. She wants people to know that there IS a way out, you CAN be in charge of your healing, and WE are here to lead you down this path.


Qualifications & Certifications

Microdosing Institute Facilitator

Certified for Psychedelic Therapy in the U.S. for Substance Abuse Treatment

3+ Years of Mentorships & Apprenticeship

550 + Hours of Participating in Traditional Plant Medicine Ceremonies (Ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms)

200 + Hours of Facilitating Psychedelic Experiences

1 Year of Facilitating All-Inclusive Psychedelic Retreats Outside of the U.S.

2 Years of Psychedelic Journalism for Various Research Companies

6 Months of Advising Psychedelic Research Non-Profits


Why Vibrational Healing?

In Indigenous ceremonies, medicine songs are sung to guide the medicine in the participant’s body. It is said that each plant has its own tune and that the plant sings through the facilitator during a ceremony. While the medicine opens up the body for healing, the vibrations from the medicine songs guide the healing work.

Vibrations are always happening within us, outside of us, and around us. Vibrations are the mind, body, and Self connection. A vibration is a sensation that we can feel physically. When we are hit with a vibration, it manifests in our body and sends waves of energy for our brains to process into chemicals usually related to emotions.

For example, your phone may vibrate when you get a notification. That vibration will touch your skin. You only feel this vibration which is happening outside of you because your body sends signals to your brain that it is physically happening. Then, your brain processes the information and your reaction is "I feel a vibration! I'm going to check my phone." Often, depending on the notification, you will have an emotional reaction before even looking at the screen!

Vibrational Healing is all about healing your body through your mind, your mind through your body, and everything through your Self. All of the answers you are looking are are within you - and when you connect to yourSelf truthfully, you become your own healer. ☺