9/20 Welcoming September and Magic Mushroom Day

by Azalea Kemp

As we welcome the new week in, I love reflecting.

Side note: It's always so funny to me that we, as users of plant medicine, understand our relationship with time in such a vast sense. Weeks don't exist, right? Just a construct! Understanding this, I know it is always important to recognize that we do live in a society that operates with time. I'm always working on integrating the teachings I learn in the timeless space into this constructed society. It's important to exist within both.

Anyways, here we are, reflecting together with time as our friend! In addition to using time to reflect, I like to follow the divine rhythms of nature. The easiest way to connect to this is with season. For example, we are just days away from welcoming Fall! If you want to connect with nature's rhythm, become conscious of how your body and mind changes with the seasons. How would you determine it is Fall without looking at a calendar? What type of air do you feel caress your body, what colors do you notice, what scents do you inhale? etc. These may seem like elementary exercises, but taking the time to connect with our senses is a shortcut to grounding ourselves in the present moment! I am grateful for this shortcut, as being in the present can be so difficult in this day and age with the amount of disconnecting distractions we are offered.

If you want to dive even deeper into the rhythms of nature, take note of our beautiful moon. Western science recognizes that the moon phase has such a strong effect on the tides of our oceans. Our ancient roots teach us that she offers cleansing in so many different ways. We can pay attention to how she changes, what that means for the earth, and what that means for us.

On September 20, 2021, we will observe a full moon! (How fitting for us, considering that 9/20 is also the holiday for Psilocybin Mushrooms!) This is a time to express gratitude, to cleanse, to rest, and to release anything that no longer serves you. While we welcome the Fall season with our moon so full, we also have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate MAGIC MUSHROOM DAY tomorrow! 9/20 was chosen because it is at the beginning of Autumn, when mushrooms are abundant. It is a day to connect with community, build awareness, and focus conversations on drug-policy reform around this wonderful medicine.

So, with this, I will send you back off into the world as I also practice moving with the rhythms of nature, raising awareness to the healing offered from the medicine of los hongos sagrados, and becoming conscious of the seasons I follow.

Love and Light,



Redefining Christianity in the Plant Medicine Space